Special Initiatives
- Single Women (Widows, separated, thrown out, unmarried) Groups and Federation.
- Future Leaders in Panchayats
- Promoting Organic Agriculture
- Training of Adolescent Girls
- Program of using local nutritious materials and herbs for pregnant, lactating mothers and children
- TANA BANA (Weavers project in tribal areas)
- Drinking Water Tanks for Cattle in villages
- Remote Village Drinking Water Scheme (at height of 3000 ft)
- Ram Kothi (Grain Bank in many villages based on donation) in 10 villages
- Yuva Shram Sadhak Samaj (Organization of Youth in villages)
- Jago Bai Abhiyan (Campaigns for women rights).
- Arunodya Club for adolescent girls between age of 12 to 18 in 17 villages
- Using MP, MLA funds for villages
- Solar Cooking by women
- Program for Physically Challenged
- ICT use in villages (many projects since 2002)
- Sewa Sathin Web Panchayat (Information to villagers and get benefit of Government Schemes to villagers through Mobile App)
- Hostel for Girls from far off villages
- Seed Bank in 3 Villages. (small grains)
- Treatment of malaria and other diseases using Homeopathy medicines ( 5 th from top in list )
Treatment of Goitre
Initiatives in Advocacy
- Farmers Issues.
- Women issues
- Child Rights
- Single Women (Widows, separated, thrown out, unmarried) rights and issues
- Panchayat Raj Institutions – PRI